Store managers who excel in their roles have a strong chance of winning prestigious awards like the Retail Manager of the Year Award.  This recognition emphasises personal strengths and clearly shows how important quality leadership is for retail to come to fruition. For these reasons, this honour is perhaps what any retail leader, store manager,Read more >

What it Takes to Win a Retail Manager Of the Year Award

29 May 2024 by Natalie Fresen

Store managers who excel in their roles have a strong chance of winning prestigious awards like the Retail Manager of the Year Award.  This recognition emphasises personal strengths and clearly shows how important quality leadership is for retail to come to fruition.

For these reasons, this honour is perhaps what any retail leader, store manager, or HR expert looking to win should study. Consequently, this blog will detail precisely the qualities and strategies that would help one achieve these requirements and how to compile an award submission.

What Is a Retail Manager of the Year Award?

The Manager Of the Year Award is a formal achievement that is presented to outstanding teams or individuals in the retail industry. 

An accomplishment should show that you can perform well in your field while also being creative and enthusiastic about what you do, demonstrating that people matter in every aspect of your work. For example, store managers who compete in recognition programs should demonstrate excellence in a variety of areas, from customer service to sales to leadership. 

Why is it important to acknowledge and reward good performance? Workers are more likely to go above and beyond when they feel their efforts are being noticed and appreciated through public recognition. Employees are more productive when they enjoy and thrive in their work environment. A sense of pride and community is fostered when employees are publicly acknowledged for their efforts, which can increase employee engagement, motivation, and satisfaction

When people notice a way to do something better, they all want in on the action. Another itch that motivates employees to give their all for the benefit of consumers is the presentation of achievement awards. Employees are motivated to compete because of the publicity that surrounds awards. Attracting top talent requires a combination of strong group dynamics and high performance standards, which in turn produce effective customer service.

Receiving a retail Manager of the Year can make a world of difference in your future work and personal development. It declares to your peers and mentors that you embody high leadership qualities and strive for excellence. Furthermore, this designation can create a wealth of opportunities for professional advancement and industry-related networking.

Understanding the Manager of the Year Award Criteria

To properly compete for the award, it is crucial to know the Manager of the Year Award criteria and how candidates are judged. These criteria help in highlighting the applicant who has the desired qualities and has made the best contribution to their team and organisation. A comprehensive understanding enables you to showcase all the reasons why you qualify for the award. 

The following is an analysis of the main judging criteria at People in Retail Awards and how you can prove that you can beat the competition:

  • Exceptional Leadership: You need to provide real-life examples of your leadership and how it benefits the team and the workplace. This may include projects that increased sales, improved customer satisfaction, or increased the team’s motivation. You also need to mention projects of which you are proud and consider them major achievements. 
  • Team Building and Motivation: Successful team building and motivation are crucial skills for a retail manager. You may want to illustrate how you have built strong teams, encouraged collaboration, and motivated your team members to achieve results. Describe some bonding activity or a mentorship programme that would help you paint a picture of remarkable team cohesion under your leadership, emphasising the importance of being a team player.
  • People-Centric Approach: A people-centric approach is mainly centred on prioritising the welfare of employees, employee development, and customer experience. Demonstrate your dedication to such an approach by outlining particular cases where your strategic actions translated to ideal staff experiences or customer occurrences. These situations might exist in the form of employee appreciation methods, customer satisfaction training, or policies that promote weekend breaks.

The Qualities and Characteristics of a Good Manager in Retail

In order to become a possible candidate for retail Manager of the Year award, first of all, you must understand the qualities of a good manager.

Let’s look at some specific essential skills and traits that must be developed and demonstrated based on the above-given criteria: 


  • Leadership skills: A team manager should possess adequate leadership skills to guide the team to achieve organisational goals
  • Management skills and initiative.: As a manager, you should demonstrate the skill to manage retail operations and show initiative in taking appropriate actions to solve problems.
  • Calmness and decisiveness: A manager or supervisor should act calmly in a fast-decision-making retail environment and demonstrate decisiveness.
  • Problem-solving and positivity: A manager should approach a problem-solving situation and be positive to encourage the rest of the employees.

Team Building and Motivation

  • Inspiration: As a manager, you need to inspire your team to do their best by setting a positive example and providing encouragement. 
  • Effective Communication and Listening Skills: Good communication is key to understanding your team’s needs and ensuring everyone is on the same page.
  • Conflict Resolution: Address conflicts promptly and fairly to maintain a harmonious work environment.
  • Promote Diversity and Inclusion: Foster an inclusive culture where all team members feel valued and respected.

People-Centric Approach

  • Customer Focus: Always prioritise the customer experience, ensuring high levels of satisfaction and loyalty.
  • Empathy: Show empathy towards your team and customers, understanding their needs and concerns.
  • Personal Development for You and Your Team: Invest in training and mentorship programmes to help your team grow professionally.
  • Promote Open Communication and a Positive Retail Company Culture: Encourage open communication and cultivate a positive retail company culture where employees feel engaged and motivated.
  • Recognition of Employees: Implement innovative retail employee rewards to recognise and appreciate your team’s hard work and dedication.

How to Win the Retail Manager of the Year Award

Winning the retail Manager of the Year award requires a strategic approach. Here are the steps to increase your chances of success:

  • Evaluate Performance: The first step is to assess how well you have done during the past year. Consider what you have achieved and what your contributions have been. Look at your proven results, key performance indicators and targets, customer feedback, and measure retail employee engagement.
  • Gather Data and Evidence: Collect data and evidence to support your achievements. You can mention reaching sales targets, improved store processes, or customer experience. Performance reviews and team surveys are also good sources of information crucial for building a compelling case.
  • Team Feedback: Collect insights from your team and co-workers. Positive feedback from your peers can provide you with valuable testimonials that shine a light on your leadership qualities and your impact on the team.
  • Tell a compelling story: Make sure to take all the positive achievements and evidence and spin a fascinating story with it. Being specific about the numbers and making it clear how you’ve made a difference is essential. Certainly, don’t steamroll judges with information but you want to be detailed enough. A good guideline for this is not using more information than is necessary for understanding without dumbing it down.
  • Write a strong award entry. Ultimately, you need to write a good award entry in general. Here is just a detailed article on how to create the best entry. However, make sure that your story is easy to read, has structured information about your most significant achievements, and is well-illustrated.
  • Understand the judging process: It’s also important to understand how the judging process works in retail awards. Research the criteria and process to make sure that your submission meets all the requirements and stands out to the judges.

Final Thoughts

In addition to recognising exceptional performance, retail awards like Manager of the Year help cultivate a supportive work environment for all employees. It encourages top talent and fosters a positive retail employee recognition culture. You will be undeniably acknowledged if you make an honest attempt to meet the award’s requirements and show the leadership qualities you offer to the company and the people you inspire.

Great managers inspire teams and drive success. Celebrate your retail industry’s top performers who’ve made extraordinary contributions this year with the People in Retail Awards. Request your entry pack today, or if you have any questions, get in touch here.